Roblox is an online platform to Imagine and play with your Friends. it is the largest user-generated online gaming platform and there are over 15 million games created by Roblox users.
Roblox is one of the best gaming sites. Every day, so many creative people sign up to Roblox.com to create adventures, play games, role play, and learn with their friends in a family-friendly, immersive, 3D environment.
David Baszucki is the owner of Roblox, and he is the founder, co-creator and CEO of Roblox.
You can access Roblox on PC, Mac, iOS, Android, Amazon Devices, and also on Xbox One. Roblox adventures are accessible from any device, so players can imagine with their friends regardless of where they are.
You never even heard about Roblox, but according to David Baszucki, it has over 100 million monthly users, and 100,000,000+ installs from Google Play Store, whereas Minecraft has only 10,000,000+.
Creators can also earn money from Roblox, but Roblox doesn’t directly pay developers for created games, they earn money whenever players make virtual purchases within their games.
Players can purchase items such as skin packs, weapons, and more within the game with a virtual currency called Robux, and the developers behind those games can exchange that currency for real-world money through Roblox.
In the mood for an epic role-playing adventure? Want to compete against rivals worldwide? Or do you just want to hang out and chat with your friends online? A growing library of worlds created by the community means there’s always something new and exciting for you to play every day.
Roblox also allows you to chat with your friends, you can chill out with friends around the world using chat features, private messages, and groups.
Roblox is a very popular game for kids also to play online together. Most children want to play with their real-life friends. You can set the account restrictions so that your kids only communicate with examined friends.
How to create a Roblox account
If you are visiting for the first time to Roblox, then you have to create an account.
To do that, just simply enter into Roblox.com. On the home page, you will see two options, one is to Log in and another one is to Sign Up. You are a first-time visitor, so you need to Sign Up with Roblox.
First, select your actual date of birth, enter a Username of your choice(Note: Don’t use your real name), and create a password of a minimum of 8 characters.
Now select your gender by clicking the icon on the bottom of the Sign Up form. After doing that, click on the Sign-Up button.

When you click the Sign-Up button, it will ask you for captcha verification, to prove that you are not a robot.
How to find your lost Roblox password?
Either make a new account or try to change your password using your email.
To change the password with your email, you need to click on the Forgot Password or Username button.

Type your email and name. They will send you a password reset link to your email. Then you can reset the password and change it.
If you did not enter a real email address when you created your account, you cannot recover your account.
It will be almost impossible to get it back if it’s been hacked, but you can try contacting Roblox customer support.
Since Roblox is a secure online gaming platform, but many people hack the Roblox account to withdraw Robux currency.
There are many password guesser for Roblox, to try brute-force attacks.
The Password guesser Roblox is a tool to predict common frequently used passwords.
Is Roblox Safe for Kids
We recommend you to read a Dedicated article about Is Roblox Safe for Kids.
Password Guesser Roblox
Here are some common passwords that Roblox Creators use.
dragon | 123123 | funky | baseball | abc123 |
monkey | letmein | asshole | computer | michelle |
Jessica | pepper | 11112222 | zxcvbn | 555555 |
11111111 | 131313 | Freedom | 159753 | aaaaaa |
ginger | princess | joshua | cheese | amanda |
summer | love | ashley | 6969 | nicole |
Chelsea | biteme | matthew | access | yankees |
jingalbell | dallas | austin | thunder | taylor |
robert | thomas | hockey | ranger | daniel |
starwars | klaster | zxcvbnm | asdfgh | hunter |
buster | soccer | harley | batman | andrew |
tigger | sunshine | michael | 654321 | pussy |
superman | 1qaz2wsx | 7777777 | facekyou | 121212 |
000000 | Qazwsx | 123qwe | killer | trustno1 |
jordan | Jennifer | 696969 | shadow | master |
666666 | qwertyuiop | 123321 | mustang | 1234567890 |
qwerty | 123456789 | 12345 | 1234 | 111111 |
1234567 | 777777 | pass | flood | Maggie |
123456 | password | 12345678 | iloveyou | foundme |
2000 | charlie | matrix | 112233 | george |
Password Guesser Roblox with animals name
- Cow
- Rabbit
- Duck
- Shrimp
- Pig
- Bee
- Goat
- Crab
- Deer
- Turkey
- Dove
- Sheep
- Fish
- Chicken
- Horse
- Monkey
- Panda
- Shark
- Zebra
- Gorilla
- Walrus
- Leopard
- Wolf
- Antelope
- Bald eagle
- Jellyfish
- Crab
- Giraffe
- Woodpecker
- Camel
- Starfish
- Koala
- Alligator
- Owl
- Tiger
- Bear
- Blue whale
- Coyote
- Chimpanzee
- Raccoon
- Lion
- Arctic wolf
- Crocodile
- Dolphin
- Elephant
- Squirrel
- Snake
- Kangaroo
- Hippopotamus
- Elk
- Rabbit
- Fox
- Gorilla
- Bat
- Hare
- Toad
- Frog
- Deer
- Rat
- Badger
- Lizard
- Mole
- Hedgehog
- Otter
- Reindeer
For the term Roblox Password Cracker, people use BruteForce
BruteForce is a well-known password cracking method that many computer engineers use, in which they attempt to match all possible combinations of passwords simultaneously until they get to know the original password.
Some may also use Dictionary attack to crack the password of Roblox, in which the cracker attempt to crack the password using a set of common keywords that Roblox users keep as the password.
The common eight-digit keywords that can be used in the dictionary attack are listed below.
aardvark aardwolf aasvogel abacuses abalones abampere abandons abapical
auricled auricles auricula auriform aurorean ausforms auspices austerer
babassus babbitry babbitts babblers babbling babesias babiches babirusa
backfire backfits backflip backflow backhand backhaul backhoed backhoes
cajoling cajuputs cakewalk cakiness calabash calabaza caladium calamari
candours candying canellas canephor caneware canfield canikins caninity
demivolt demobbed democrat demolish demoness demoniac demonian demonise
embodied embodier embodies embolden embolies embolism emborder embosked
famously fanatics fanciers fanciest fanciful fancying fandango fanegada
garblers garbless garbling garboard garboils gardened gardener gardenia
hairline hairlock hairnets hairpins hairwork hairworm halachas halachic
indevout indexers indexing indicans indicant indicate indicias indicium
jonquils jostlers jostling jottings jouncier jouncing journals journeys
kazatsky kebbocks kebbucks keckling kedgeree keelages keelboat keelhale
lacteals lacteous lactones lactonic lactoses lacunars lacunary lacunate
maryjane marzipan mascaras mashgiah maskable maskings masklike masoning
neuronal neurones neuronic neurosal neuroses neurosis neurotic neurulae
obligees obligers obliging obligors obliqued obliques oblivion oblongly
palatals palatial palatine palavers palazzos paleface paleness paleosol
quadrant quadrate quadrats quadrics quadriga quadroon quaestor quaffers
receiver receives recement recensor recenter recently receptor recessed
scaliest scallion scallops scalpels scalpers scalping scammers scamming
taiglach tailback tailbone tailcoat tailfans tailfins tailgate tailings
umbellet umbering umbilici umbonate umbrages umbrella umbrette umlauted
verbless verboten verdancy verderer verderor verdicts verditer verdured
wadeable wadmaals wadmolls waesucks wafering wafflers wafflier waffling
xanthins xanthoma xanthone xanthous xenogamy xenogeny xenolith xerosere
yachters yachting yachtman yachtmen yahooism yahrzeit yakitori yamalkas
zincking zingiest zippered zippiest zircaloy zirconia zirconic zitherns
HELP My sons roblox account was hacked email and phone number was changed and he is beyond devastated!!!! Dark1020
Hi my user is distiller3 and I really need to get my pass bc I dont remember it i only remember the first part
Hello i shared a password to a friend and he changed it now pls help me I Need The Password Of Shadowsz9145q My Display Name is LankyBox And The Account is mine pls help me i beg you
Can you give me the password for ‘kdog101232’ please
He is a roblox hacker but he hacked all of my friends but not me bc I have 2 step verification. He stole pets and I want to get them back for my friends. Please reply ASAP bc karma is a b*
i need password for gggmmmmeeeeeee , its my old account and mail me in
[email protected]
Email me susandudle
if anyone can help me find my account called pokegoldbiger let me know thanks
It is actually easy to recover you account go to login click I forgot my username or password(or whatever it says)click that and then put your Email in password then go to gmail.com and you see a reset thing or whatever is there then place that in the format once you have it then put your username and you might re-login to the account and kick the hacker out ONLY DO IT WHEN HACKER IS PLAYING A GAME OR OFFLINE!
I still have my real acc though
can someone find my password? my name was rdsf i got hacked
can someone find the password to maddox1276
can someone get me the pass to nic11 my brother is trying to get it back
Can somebody find pazzword for my friend lisateri account if u find can u connect me in [email protected].
Could someone get me the password for iii please? if you get it please lmk via discord a_#0005
Hi i have 2k on donator40001 but i dont rember the password if somebody can please find the password or know something that can work email me at [email protected] and ill give you half the money on the account ty
Can somebody tell me the password for FIIKZE? It got hacked and I NEED IT BADLY, I couldn’t reset the password because I forgot the email.
Can someone tell me the password to NewDudeProLOL I forgot?
can someone tell me the password to thewhitejaguar234 i cant remember it and my email was changed by my brother
Shut up you Fukien big fat bitch
That was brutal my friend
Can someone get me the password to Dexxtus
Hello can someone pls help me to get the password for jonjonjonx2, pls don’t tell the password here, if u know it pls dm me on insta my @ is s.s_itsme
Hello, can you help me crack roblox acount mimikrahel?
And pls this pasword
Or nope i got it
If anyone find the password to NinjaBorjan Tell me i got hacked and i need it back ASAP pls
got it itz ilovesummer
Hello, can you help me crack roblox acount mimikrahel? And pls this pasword
Or nope i got it
hello can you please find the password to 125×23 please please i beg you
jay can you find out the password to my old account spiritmaster102 and thewhitejaguar234
hi can u please find out my old account’s passwort jay? the user is esmf1234
Jay can you find the password for Cyrphex it’s my old roblox account can you email the password to me
My email is [email protected]
can someone help me get the pass word for this account. the username is sarahviibes
she stole things from me so thx
lmk what the password is thx
I forgot da password (my user is Mad_NotBoy24
pls crack her password she is really rude user: 54xvibesss
help please if anyone knows the password for the acc lavful 1212
please tell me please
Can anyone help me? I got hacked, my username is Aryellefofiskaway please (if anyone can tell me in my email it is [email protected]
did you have ur email on the acc? if not its impossible.
what is your email password?
can anyone cracck kisaa232? they were being homofobic to me and they were bullying me in personal ways
Please help😭 my account got hacked and the hacker changed my email, password, and phone number!! I lost my limited ssh face and all my adopt me pets! | user: glossyxparis
how did you get robux ask for that much robux and you can recover the acc and dont forget to ban your hacked account
you know if they changed the email you can just reset the password and put your email back lol
0lease help me, If anyone finds password for the username “pro_champarsh221132”, please please please
what is your mail and your mail password
if enyone gets the apssword to, firefly0822, please let me know she is a monster and i gotta give revenge NOW
amarajemes_1234 my pass0123456789
Can you please help my friend? She doesnt know her password again (the user is supergamibbaru)
please help me account alexis_lopezt
I can
Can some one help me get the password for adia1511 they stole my account
if you had robux you can get it back contact roblox go to roblox support an select your device and for contact info put a random name if you bought robux and you had a gmail account in gmail, select account hacked in describe, put why you contact support, go to your gmail in you had no gmail when you bought robux you cant, go to gmail and if it you see it wait until a roblox admin responds
can anyone help me get the password for aron0_0blob, i lost my password
if someone can help me get the roblox password to Trusted_ant please email me at [email protected]
hello if anyone can help me get the password for this acc,
NEEL207_1, pls let me know thxs
roblox acc
ok let me help u bitch
shut up nigger
if anyone can help me get the password for the acc, fires3214, please let me know ASAP
sorry to chat here well…one of my friends friend said give me your pass so I said hihihihi then I changed it fast to hihihihi then before she hacked me I rechanged the pass and she got out of my acc. And another time I told tT_stimken my hp roblox acc pass and I had to ban that acc cause he changed the pass so I cant get it back (real roblox acc :rockinahouse hp roblox acc :aboardthehogwarts) Please help me Asap thx.
bruh why would you give your password
Can you find my password for